Ruth – Don’t Despair, There’s Hope, You Have a Kinsman Redeemer (NASB – I&O) | IN & OUT Study
If you were a slave, who would buy your freedom? If you had an enemy, who would come to your defense? In the Old Testament, this buyer-defender known as a “kinsman redeemer” was usually a close relative. If you’re a believer, you already have one—Jesus Christ! This rich study shows how Jesus both bought us (redeemer) and advocates (defends) for us, offering us an opportunity to rebuild our broken lives. A great short study to introduce friends to a taste of inductive Bible study.
Want to go deeper, but not ready for Precept Upon Precept®?
In & Out® is a streamlined approach to the same material but requires fewer hours of study time. Take God’s Word in so you can live it out! Each In & Out® study follows the corresponding Precept Upon Precept® study so students can participate in the same discussion groups and lectures. Available in NASB or ESV translations.
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