Kings & Prophets 5: Jonah – Where Are You Going? (NASB – I&O) | IN & OUT Study
Have you ever tried to run away from God? Can a mere man hide from the presence of an all -knowing, all -powerful God? God used a reluctant prophet to tell an evil city of His compassion for them. When God calls you to deliver a message to someone you don’t love, will you run, or get angry, or comply? Would it take a great calamity, an earthquake, or flood for God to get your attention?
Want to go deeper, but not ready for Precept Upon Precept®?
In & Out® is a streamlined approach to the same material but requires fewer hours of study time. Take God’s Word in so you can live it out! Each In & Out® study follows the corresponding Precept Upon Precept® study so students can participate in the same discussion groups and lectures. Available in NASB or ESV translations.
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