Matthew Part 1 – The King and the Kingdom of Heaven (ESV – I&O) | IN & OUT Study
Who is the promised Messiah, the King who will sit on the throne of David? What is His kingdom? What is the character and lifestyle of those who are a part of this kingdom? Matthew Part 1 answers these questions and brings you face-to-face with the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. Walk with Jesus through the towns and villages of the Galilee, see the miracles He performs – healing the sick, casting out demons, calming the seas. Listen to His teaching as He explains His kingdom. And then evaluate your life against the standard Jesus holds high and ask: Does my life show that I’m part of His kingdom?
Want to go deeper, but not ready for Precept Upon Precept®?
In & Out® is a streamlined approach to the same material but requires fewer hours of study time. Take God’s Word in so you can live it out! Each In & Out® study follows the corresponding Precept Upon Precept® study so students can participate in the same discussion groups and lectures. Available in NASB or ESV translations.
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